Vacation Day 3 – Cozumel, Mexico

This was the excursion we did in Mexico:

Feel the adrenaline rush through your body in this extreme boat ride to Isla Pasión!

  • Experience incredible acceleration and high speed maneuvers, including 360° turns at 60 MPH, as Twister skims along the Caribbean waters!
  • After your thrill ride, you’ll arrive at a secluded beach where you can enjoy its amenities, away from the crowds.
  • Enjoy a complimentary Mayan lunch buffet and open bar during your stay at Isla Pasión.

The boat ride was a kick in the pants! I got scared when we got on board and had to strap in with seatbelts like race cars but it was a blast! It was about a 30 minute trip to and from the island and we probably would have been LESS wet had we swam there!

We arrived on the island and had Mayan buffet for lunch and hit the open bar!

We ate and drank then found some hammocks in the shade and took a nap for a bit. Then we hit the beach!

We relaxed here too and didn’t do much of anything but enjoy the sand and sun and beautiful water.

And returned to the ship (via the twister boat) to our second towel animal!

Vacation Day 2 – day at sea

They have photo opportunities all over the ship so you can stop anywhere and have your picture taken professionally, it’s great!

On our last cruise, they let us take pictures with our own cameras at these places also but not on this cruise.

They charge about $25 per picture (and you can get about 20 pictures per night) so we didn’t purchase any. I took pictures of the pictures they had taken until they told me that also was not allowed so this was all we got for our professional pictures!

This was our crazy, insane, FUN cruise director “Butch” teaching a dance class. He was SO MUCH FUN! Jon Hiebert, he was YOU with brown hair!!!

This was another hip hop dance class Bo partook in… he didn’t do so well :( But it was fun to watch!

Us in the piano bar, that’s a blast, there’s a guy in the middle of a round bar who spins around playing a piano and singing and everyone joins along pounding on the bar and singing!

Goofing off in the piano bar

Bo is far goofier than I am.

Here’s the whole room

Us on our balcony

And the wake from the ship, we sat out and watched this forever.

Oh and me on night 2. It was formal night so we got all dressed up and went to elegant dinner. It was lobster night so I ordered 2! (yup, for real) But I had been getting sick earlier and couldn’t quite make it all the way through dinner so I gave my lobster dinner away to the guys eating with us and ran back to the room and spent the rest of the night throwing up and spinning in bed. After 2 sea sick pills and some sleep, I was ready to go again the next day. SUPER bummed they never had lobster dinner again though. :( I got sea sick on day 2 of our last cruise too…

Our first towel animal… so exciting, I love these!

Vacation Day 1 – travel day

Bo and I worked all day Friday then got home, cleaned up and headed out to the airport. We flew all night long, didn’t get much sleep and after a layover in Atlanta, GA, made it to Ft. Lauderdale, FL Saturday morning. Bo’s family was at the airport to pick us up and take us to the port in Miami and we spent some time with them.

They took us to this amazing cuban restaurant, I don’t even remember what we ate but it may have been my favorite food of the entire vacation! It’s a toss up between the cuban food in Florida and the Jerk Chicken in Jamaica. But man this was good and we had a blast hanging out with his family for a few hours.

We made it to the ship RIGHT on time and got to our room which was perfect.

Here is our balcony…

And the view from the balcony in port in Miami.

We had an aft stateroom so our balcony hung over the end of the ship, we spent a lot of time on the balcony watching the wake behind the ship and the MANY lightning storms going on around.

We decided to explore the ship a bit and take advantage of some picture opportunities.

I figured I’d make Jamey proud and try some Sushi. It was pretty good, I’m not much of a fan of seaweed but it was tasty and I ate most of it!

They have Vegas quality shows each night on the ship and we went to most of them. They have singing, dancing, comedy, hypnosis, etc. This was some dancing from the first night.

Then we crashed out! We were exhausted and slept for quite a while. More from the rest of the week later, I’m still trying to catch up on sleep and fighting whatever cold I caught so it’s nap time for me!

Garden Progress

I am so excited to get started on my garden and start growing yummy things! I have a long way to go before that happens but I got step #1 complete today! Dad came over this morning and unloaded all the bricks to make the garden bed into a heap in our backyard and I spent the last hour transporting them and setting them into place.

Step #2 is to moss kill all the bricks and surrounding area then #3, fill the center with topsoil that we have in a pile on the other side of the house.

I’m not going for perfection and beauty (obviously), I’m just excited to plant something and see if it grows. I have 1 book from the library so far and am waiting for my “Square foot gardening” book to arrive since I only have about 20 square feet I need to use them wisely. Anyone know what to grow in October in our area????

Thanks for the bricks and the delivery dad!


Bo and I had our 1 year anniversary last month on the 19th. We watched our wedding video again and had a good laugh, it’s great, I’m so glad we have it to watch every year for the memories! Then we headed up to Seattle to our favorite place to eat: Benihana!

Here he is sitting outside the restaurant looking cute

Not a good picture of the water, but it was out there!

The viaduct … I love the blue sky, green trees and busyness of the city

Finally at Benihana, our chef made our fried rice in the shape of a heart for us…. awwwww :)

Then he wanted to pose so he could be on the internet too!

We had a blast. We can’t wait to go on our cruise next month which we have been waiting for since our honeymoon as our actual anniversary gift to each other. Lots more pictures to come after that! We’re so blessed to have made it a year, we said after only 3 months that if it weren’t for God we’d have been divorced already and we’ve improved our marriage tons since the, we still have a long way to go though!

Unfortunate Afternoon

Here’s the readers digest version of my afternoon yesterday. I’ll try to make it as short as possible. My PLAN was to get off work at 4:30, go to a store in Federal Way to get some scrubs, hit a drive through on my way home for dinner since Bo was out working late, get home by 6:30, eat my dinner and start scrapbooking for a couple hours until Bo got home. What ACTUALLY happened was a different story:

I went grocery shopping on my lunch break, 2 items on the list of things to buy, I forgot 1 of them.

When I got off work, I forgot the 1 item I bought earlier inside so I had to go back into work to get it putting my nice relaxing evening schedule behind before it even started. :(

I made it 3/4 of the way to Federal Way and realized I was supposed to pick something up at a friends house at 4:45 (it was about 4:50 now) so I had to turn around quick and race back to her house. I took the next exit off the freeway and figured i’d pull a u-turn at the bottom of the exit to get back on in the other direction. But I U turned a bit too far and ended up driving back up the offramp in the LEFT LANE! I noticed when there was a car coming at me head on, threw my truck in reverse and backed back down to the entrance again. Completed the U turn correctly the 2nd attempt and made it back on the freeway headed WEST (i was supposed to be going east)…. I forgot that a U turn at the bottom of an exit ramp on the freeway does NOT get you back on in the opposite direction… UGH

I finally got turned around headed east (back to maple valley to get to my triends house on time) and she said she would just bring the stuff over that I needed since they were leaving. So I turn around again, get back WB on the freeway and back headed for Federal Way. Now I realize I don’t have my purse… it’s back at work. So I get turned around, head EB again towards home and text Bo. He offered to bring me our debit card that he had and I said yes so I had to turn around again to meet him in Federal Way… I take the exit off the freeway, U turn at the bottom and get back on headed EB again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (supposed to be going WB now). I text Bo and say nevermind, forget it and resolve to driving back to Covington to get my purse since I can’t figure out how to drive the right direction on the freeway for some reason. He calls me to see what’s going on and as I explain to him all that just happened, I start crying… then sobbing. I’m telling him “I’m so stupid! I feel like a hamster in a wheel wasting time and running all over the place not getting anywhere!” then I start chuckling and laughing a bit, still while sobbing then hysterically cracking up while crying to him laughing saying “it’s not funny!!!” sounding like a complete lunatic I’m sure. How could he not laugh while I’m sobbing and hysterically laughing at the same time crying “It’s not funny!!”

I get back to work, get my purse, make it out to Federal Way only to find they didn’t have any scrubs I liked or wanted. Head back home. Get a text from Bo that reads “what are we doing for dinner” which in man language translates to: “What are you cooking me for dinner?” ruining my plan of hitting the drive through and scrapbooking… I let him know I will cook dinner for us and pack lunches for tomorrow and go back to the store again to get milk to make Tuna Helper (we both actually like that). While at the store I remember the other item I previously forgot and picked that up too. Make it home about 7:15 and start cooking. Make 2 boxes of Tuna Helper so there was a lot for Bo for dinner and lunch the next day. Finish cooking, try it and realize it tastes funny… I added an entire head of fresh broccoli but there was something different about it… finally figured out I forgot the tuna!!!! Wow. I amaze myself.

Decide to call it a night, take a shower and go to bed. Wake up to Bo yelling at me “Wake up, Kari, hey hey hey!!!” and realize that I’m screaming and yelling (at my dad) in my dreams but apparently loud enough for the neighbors to hear so we both wake up. I startled Bo awake to the point that he wasn’t going back to sleep so he brought the computer into bed with us to play video games while I tried to go back to sleep. (He smoked my score at FB Bejeweled Blitz). After about an hour of tossing and turning, I finally get back to sleep (I woke up at 2am so it was about 3am now). I vaguely remember Bo kissing me goodbye this morning then wake up to my alarm which had apparently been going off for over 20 min and I slept through it. JUMP out of bed, throw on some clothes, try to peel my eyes open as I hop in the driver seat of my truck and straight for the coffee stand! Make it to work right on time with coffee in hand and hope to have a better day today!

MORE yard work ….

We have got SO MUCH accomplished this past week with the help of Jim and my dad. Jim came over Wednesday and helped Bo spread/rake the topsoil and dad came over today to help him finish it all off, make it about 4″ thicker and compact it all with the roller. We’ve now got a solid 4″ of dirt around the entire yard totally compacted and ready for fertilizer and eventually grass seed when it cools down. Here are just a couple pictures of a few days ago.

Dougs Memorial

Here are just a few pictures from Dougs Memorial. They had a TON of pictures of him and his family and friends out in the lobby of the church and a beautiful service. The church was full of barefoot people wearing hawaiian shirts (Doug HATED shoes) and many people spoke of their good memories with Doug.

Hair Cut

I got a hair cut on my lunch break today. She took off 6″ but it doesn’t look like that much to me.