And here is another beautiful favorite as well. These tables are elaborately and beautifully decorated (hence the reason I don’t host a table… not sure my pure white corelle everyday dishes and a plastic table cloth would cut it in this venue).
One of the really neat things about the evening is that the men volunteer and sign up to serve us. These are spouses, family members, friends, etc who volunteer their time, get all dressed up in their white shirts and Christmas ties and wait tables serving the women all night, it’s really cool to see them all gathered together in prayer before the dinner starts and all lined up ready to go when the evening is getting under way. Sadly I don’t have pictures of them here.
I do however, have pictures of the group singing a capella which was beautiful. They did a wonderful job and were great entertainment.
We also had the pleasure of hearing Sarah Taylor from Spirit 105.3 speak about “The gift worth giving” and some of her own personal stories which were a great encouragement.
The ladies who led our worship (Christmas style) were wonderful as well.
And here’s mom & I at our table (thanks Chuck!)
And mom looking perfect in front of the Christmas Tree in the lobby.
Me and Anna (it was her table I sat at)
We had a great time at this event as usual. I’d love to just buy out a whole table so I can invite friends and family to come with me next year….. we’ll see!