We spent quite a lot of time looking at different invitations from different companies and finally chose on a design from Stylart sold at Costco. They were very cute and we were excited to get them in the mail hoping all the wording turned out right. A week after ordering them, they arrived and were perfect! So the last 2 days, Bo and I have folded them, punched out the die cut, weaved the ribbon through them, tied the ribbon and stuffed them in the inner envelope. We both regret getting invitiations we had to actually assemble, but they are cute and we like them. Now comes the addressing part of the invitations. I’ve agreed to hand address them all but I need to figure out how to word them, would it be MR. & Mrs. Bo and Kari Bradshaw? or Bo and Kari Bradshaw? or Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw? I don’t know… when i send cards to my grandma they are addressed to “grandma”, is there a different prefix to use for someone who is a widow? And I JUST learned the other day that Ms. is for someone who’s divorced, who knew!? So if you are reading this and you get an invitation in the mail either with no prefix or the wrong one, I apologize. I never made it that far in english to know proper grammar or even if that’s a grammatical error or something else. We still have to finish the guest list, make sure the church can accommodate everyone (we have already had to cut back quite a bit) and hope to get the invitations out in the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow we’re heading out to look for Tux’s!!
ut et provident ipsa magni sit. in harum qui delectus ut voluptates omnis aliquam ut quis et quidem officiis repellat et corrupti omnis quos eaque.
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