Building a Birdhouse

I’ve wanted a birdhouse since we moved into this house back in 2008. We have a friend who builds the most amazing, beautiful birdhouses who was going to make me one but he passed away so I never got the 1 birdhouse that I really wanted. Long story short, Bo arrived home the other night with this……………….


I laughed out loud. A lot. He brought home a big board, a box of screws, sandpaper and some sort of drill bit thing to drill the hole for the birds to enter. He was so proud of himself and excited to build a birdhouse with me. I thought he had lost his mind and laughed hysterically. When I talked recently about building a birdhouse, I had planned to go spend $9.99 at Walmart in the kids craft section and buy a birdhouse kit made for kids, one that my niece recently received and I wanted! Hahaha. But I quickly got on board and figured this could be a great project for Bo and I to complete together so I started “google’ing” plans to build a birdhouse with the piece of wood we had. We got a basic idea of layout we figured was easy to try and Bo drew up his own plans and got to cutting. Yes, he used the bed of the truck as his worktable.


I really wanted to participate too since this was ‘my’ birdhouse and our project. I got to drill the hole for the birds to enter the house!


Elijah was very excited to help out as well! His first building project!


Elijah playing peek a boo in the unfinished house.


“Look dad! I can put the roof on! Aren’t you proud of me!?!”

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Helping daddy pre drill the holes to screw it onto the fence post.

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Figuring out how to use the tape measure.


Helping daddy screw in more screws 1/2 way into the roof.


Yup, still helping!


So after 2 days of work, we have a birdhouse! Bo of course did most of the work, I stained a little bit of it, drilled the hold for the birds to go in and out and screwed in most of the screws so I could feel like I did something. The twig we used for the perch is one from our butterfly bush out back that Bo’s mom bought me a few years ago, I thought it would be neat to include part of that in the house and we cut off the perfect size perch just for the birdhouse. It’s now screwed onto the fence post just outside the back door nestled nicely in a tree that birds frequent so I’m really hoping they will take up residence soon in their new home!



I love how it turned out! It’s not what I had in mind, I didn’t think we would be able to actually create it (always the optimist I am) but I love it and I’m so excited! It’s perfect!

One Reply to “Building a Birdhouse”

  1. Very cool project… For your next birdhouse, consider hinging the roof so that you can pull out the old bird’s nest and let a new family enjoy the house! :-)

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