Alaska #1

Off we go! Our friend picked us up at the house at 4:00am this morning and we were on our way! I went to bed last night at about 10:30, Bo stayed up ALL NIGHT and hasn’t slept yet….

Until we got our seats on the plane… it didn’t take him long to crash. Lucky for us there were only about 15 people on the entire plane that seated about 150 so there was pretty much 1 person in every row so we had a whole row to ourselves. Here I am, excited to go to Alaska for the first time ever! We were preparing to land looking at all the “ice water” below and I told him I want to go to the frozen zoo while we’re here. I’m on polar bear alert now to see if i can spot one while we’re here! (they all tell me no)

So cute are we in the snow!

This is the home we’re staying in. It’s beautiful and very comfortable. We’re staying with Bo’s brothers dad, his wife, her daughter & their 2 dogs “Bonnie & Clyde”

Chris took us out on his snow MOBILE (machine – whatever) for a test run. It only takes about .7 seconds going 50 mph for your face to freeze in place.
frozen face….
that’s it so far for today. We’re heading out to dinner with everyone in a bit then who knows. More cold, snowy fun I assume!

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